Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Partial Government Shutdown

I'm frustrated by what I'm hearing in the media about the government shutdown. Some think its a good thing that those evil government workers should be punished for the poor job our government has been doing, the problem is those people are still being paid. The workers who are being sent home without pay are normal laborers like yourself who also have no voice in big government and no say in the laws imposed on us.
Another misconception is that only state parks and non-essential fluff will be sacrificed which is good for the country. Actually there are plenty of workers like myself who provide support jobs to the military although the exact nature and level if support will can't be reported publicly it goes without saying that removing that support would lessen our defensive state of readiness and effectiveness. These sacrifices won't be readily felt by the average American unless something goes terribly wrong. Let's hope you don't find out what sacrifices you are actually making.

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