Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thanks for the password

Here's one for you, do you think Google has too much integrity to try your password on other sites log in as you and data mine personal info from other sites? How about this, what if you enter the password for another site by accident into Google and it fails do you think they would store that failed attempt and try to log in to other sites as you using those credentials? Lately it seems to me if I can imagine it someone is doing it. What do you think?

Chase the carrot

I was thinking about how our text messages and emails are being analyzed with the expressed purpose of serving up advertisements that in theory we might want. I wonder how often for example a married couple after communicating a stressful moment in their relationship would have otherwise went about their business and things would have returned to normal, but with the help of targeted advertising are lead toward marriage counseling or proceeding with a divorce. And which of these options would be the most profitable to the company serving the advertisements? I'm guessing the divorce advertisement would be considerably more profitable to the advertising company. I suspect this model would apply to many situations where the individual would be basically thrown under the bus in order for big business to profit from the cleanup. I'm deeply saddened that we no longer have any basic privacy. Our private expressions are used against us to generate profit for others who we may oppose and we should expect to experience reprisal for expressing our opinions privately.